Europe Russia’s War Games With Fake Enemies Cause Real Alarm Russian-Belarusian military exercises in 2013 near Kaliningrad. Some analysts fear that this year’s version could be a prelude for military aggression. ALEXEY DRUGINYN / RIA NOVOSTI By ANDREW HIGGINS SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 MOSCOW — The country does not exist, so it has neither an army nor any real citizens, though it has acquired a feisty following of would-be patriots online. Starting on Thursday, however, the fictional state, Veishnoriya, a distillation of the Kremlin’s darkest fears about the West, becomes the target of the combined military might of Russia and its ally Belarus. The nation was invented to provide an enemy to confront during a six-day joint military exercise that is expected to be the biggest display of Russian military power since the end of the Cold War a quarter-century ago. The exercise, known as Zapad-2017 , is the latest iteration of a series of t...
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