
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017
Scientists Claim Your Eye Color Reveals Details About Your True Personality. Mine Was Totally Accurate! We all know the eyes are the windows to the soul. But did you know how very literal this phrase actually is?  Scientists have now discovered through testing that the color of your eyes is indicative of many characteristics about you.  Scientists at the Orebro University in Sweden studied 428 subjects to analyze if there were any correlations between personality traits and eye colors.  As it turns out, there is a strong connection. “The eye is so closely linked neurologically to the brain that you might call it the only part of our brain you can see from the outside,” says Dr. Antony Fallone of Edinburgh university. “It seems to hold vital clues to our brain function.” Find yours and let us know if it’s accurate, mine sure was! Brown or Black Eyes : Those who have rich earthy brown eyes ranging from milk chocolate to coffee seem to most ...
Scientists at the Orebro University in Sweden studied 428 subjects to analyze if there were any correlations between personality traits and eye colors.  As it turns out, there is a strong connection. “The eye is so closely linked neurologically to the brain that you might call it the only part of our brain you can see from the outside,” says Dr. Antony Fallone of Edinburgh university. “It seems to hold vital clues to our brain function.” Sponsored by Revcontent Find Out More > Find yours and let us know if it’s accurate, mine sure  Brown or Black Eyes : Those who have rich earthy brown eyes ranging from milk chocolate to coffee seem to most often be the leaders in the world.  They are typically agreeable, active, and less likely to favor alcohol. Brown eyed people in touch with their inner strength will be powerful leaders in the world. Blue Eyes : Blue eyed individuals were found to ...
This Marijuana Chewing Gum Can Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain Marijuana legalization across many states has opened various avenues and unsheathed its versatility. The ingenuity on display regarding ideas for its use is incredible. Medicinal marijuana products are expanding at an unprecedented rate. Historical evidence shows that cannabis is an excellent and more effective substitute for leading traditional painkillers. Additionally, it has been known to significantly limit seizures in severe conditions such as epilepsy. Now, a revolutionary product, MedChewRx, is pushing the envelope further. MedChewRx is the first of its kind pharmaceutical, functional chewing gum containing cannabinoids. It is a gum which treats chronic pain, specifically  fibromyalgia . Developed by AXIM Biotech, it is formulated with 5 mg of cannabidiol (CBD) and 5 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD the non-psychoactive ingredient acts as a blocker against signals being sent by the pain receptors to ...
Dog Owners Live Longer 27 By NICHOLAS BAKALAR NOVEMBER 22, 2017 A Swedish study suggests that owning a dog is linked to a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and death. Researchers used demographic data on 3.4 million Swedes ages 40 to 80. In Sweden, all dogs are registered with the Swedish Board of Agriculture and identified by number with an ear tattoo or a subcutaneous chip. Anyone with a record of cardiovascular disease before the 12-year study began was excluded, and the researchers controlled for age, sex, marital status, income and other factors. Owning a dog was associated with a 20 percent lower risk of all-cause death and a 23 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. The  study is in Scientific Reports . The effect was stronger with certain breeds, particularly pointers and retrievers. The senior author, Tove Fall, an epidemiologist at Uppsala University, suggested that this may reflect ...
Bionic Eyes Are Coming, and They’ll Make Us Superhuman  LSTV/youtube.com IN BRIEF Bionic eyes are already in development and could alleviate sight issues for hundreds of millions suffering from visual impairments or blindness. The mechanical eyes could also provide enhanced sight so cybernetic humans could see more of the electromagnetic spectrum. MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE With an estimated  285 million people worldwide  with visual impairment, many treatments and technological innovations have long been in development. The panacea of restoring sight to the blind is the stuff of sci-fi: the bionic eye. A bionic eye, or retinal prosthesis system, works by bridging the gap between light entering the eye and the optic nerve — which is what communicates images to the brain so we can discern what we see. So far, the  only US FDA-approved device  is the Argus II from a company called  Second Sight . It works by using a camera integrated ...
A Faster Internet: Terabit Networking Was Just Successfully Tested  iStock  IN BRIEF In a trial conducted by Nokia Bell Labs, Deutsche Telekom T-Labs and Technical Univeristy of Munich just achieved one terabyte transmission rate over fiber optics using realistic network conditions. The trials used a new modulation technique to make data transfer more efficient.  FIBER OPTIC TECHNOLOGY Fiber optic technology, since it was first introduced, has been synonymous to faster internet connections. The technology, which uses optical fiber instead of copper wires, has proven itself more efficient and effective, particularly for long-distance and high-volume applications. Unfortunately, despite years of research and advancement in the field, creating the infrastructure to make this technology more accessible still proved to be difficult given the complexity and cost of the fiber optic system. So while the possibility of  terabit speed  fiber optic te...
New Research Suggests Dark Energy Might be the Reason Time Runs Forward   Paul Fleet/Shutterstock.com IN BRIEF A new study may have found a link between dark energy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics—suggesting that the very expansion of the universe may impart a direction to time. ABOUT TIME It’s one of those things that we take for granted—time moves forward and never backward. But did you ever stop to wonder  why  it moves in one direction, as opposed to the other? The question continues to stump physicists. After all, there are certain physical processes that are actually time-reversible—they look the same no matter which way you run them. For example, gravity operates the same way regardless of Time’s Arrow; a planet will orbit a star in exactly the same way, just with the direction of that orbit reversed. But there is one aspect of the universe that is dependent on the direction of Time’s Arrow: the  Second Law of Thermodynamics . This...